Log Based File System
How to set up a mail server on a GNU Linux system. Step by step guide to install Postfix. Ubuntu Postfix CourierDovecot IMAP My. SQL. Amavisd new Spam. Assassin Clam. AV. SASL TLS Roundcube Postgrey. Easy to follow howto on setting up a mail server. NTFS New Technology File System is a proprietary file system developed by Microsoft. Starting with Windows NT 3. Windows NT family. This tutorial covers managing, modifying and monitoring a Linux based computer. Monitor the system Monitor the system. Process management. SAM. gov The System for Award Management SAM is the Official U. S. Government system that consolidated the capabilities of CCRFedReg, ORCA, and EPLS. Official site for the service, which features spam filters, a virus scanner, and interfaces for international users. This site is provided as a service to the administrators, staff and faculty of the California Community Colleges system. CCC Confer is funded by an econferencing. About Scheduler Obje cts and Their Naming. You operate Oracle Scheduler by creating and managing a set of Scheduler objects. Each Scheduler object is a complete. AWStats Official Web Site Compile and generate advanced graphical web, ftp or mail statistics with a logfile analysis For IIS, Apache. GNU GPL. TeacherEase is webbased gradebook communication software that allows teachers to simplify grades and communicate with parents. MOECS is a secure webbased system that allows educators access to their certification data, apply for certificates and endorsements, and renew their certificates. File IO is provided by simple wrappers around standard POSIX functions. To use this module do requirefs. All the methods have asynchronous and synchronous forms. IMAP access, anti spam, anti virus. Based on an Ubuntu distribution platform. Examples are run on Amazon AWS ec. Respect CC by sa. Last Update 2. 01. Contents. Editions. Edition. State. Started. Updated. Description. Released outdated2. Based on Mandrake 9. Released outdated2. Based on Mandrake 1. Very thorough with advanced server sections. Released outdated2. Based on Ubuntu 5. Hoary Hedgehog. Now includes SASL TLS integration. Released outdated2. Based on Breezy Badger, Ubuntu 5. Includes Postgrey. Released outdated. Based on Ubuntu 6. LTS, Dapper Drake. Was to be based on Edgy Eft, Ubuntu 6. Domain Key signing. Released outdated. Updated, based on Ubuntu 8. LTS Hardy Heron. Using Amazon EC2 as example. Tested with 8. 1. Released outdated. Based on Ubuntu 8. Using official Ubuntu ec. Released outdated. Based on Ubuntu 9. Canonicals cloud images. Added Roundcube webmail option. Released outdated. Based on Ubuntu 1. LTS lucid using Canonicals cloud images. Tested on 1. 0. 1. Tested on 1. 1. 0. Based on Ubuntu 1. LTS precise. Tested with 1. Based on Ubuntu 1. LTS trusty. 2. 01. Based on Ubuntu 1. LTS trusty. Added Dovecot. Based on Ubuntu 1. LTS xenial. Further details available in the change log and below in the introduction. Introduction. Aim. This is a step by step howto guide to set. GNU Linux system. It is easy to follow, but you. The server accepts unlimited domains and users. It is secure, traffic can encrypted. Dont take my word for it Research others opinions and methods. Look at my references. Postfix. orgs howtos. E. g. Kyles or Hildebrandts. If you refer to this howto in your own document. If you found this howto very useful, spread the word and help others If this howto was exceptionally useful why not donate me some beer money Or buy a postfix book using my Amazon affiliate links further down Or buy a t shirt from my t shirt shop Otherwise send me a Thank You noteBitcoin BTC 1. NUbs. Hd. 25oe. ZSUhwa. Pd. CQj. 9c. BHVwxhhhn. Ethereum ETH 0x. B7. A7. AA3. C8. E7b. F1. 84c. F1. 3Eb. E0cd. 4BC0. B2a. 0. Software. What software packages havewill I use and why. OS Ubuntu Linux. Ah the age old distro argument. S Everest Ultimate Edition Serial Key. Thankfully this set up should work on most distros. I used to base this howto on Mandrakenow Mandriva. I started this new edition on a Gentoo box. But I dont have the patience for Gentoo. Mandriva Power editions. Why Ubuntu Its free, simple and slick. As Ubuntu is derived from debian the installations. Please refer to my other editions for details on RPM. MTA Postfix. Simple, free and slick. Yup I am a sucker for anything that works easily. Postfix is powerful, well established. PopIMAP Courier IMAP or Dovecot. My first mail server installation was with Courier. I have not found a reason to change this as again. A popular alternative, is Dovecot. Database My. SQL. Although I use Firebird for my application development. HibernateC JDBC hybrids. My. SQL is well supported for the sort of lookups required. Content Check Amavisd new. Easy plug in solution for spam, virus checking etc. Anti Spam Spam. Assassin. Powerful renowned spam fighting tool. Anti Virus Clam. AV. Free virus scanner that can be trusted and includes update daemon. Authentication Cyrus SASL. Secure and trusted cryptography technology. SMTP traffic. Postgrey is an excellent little script to stop 9. All it does is on first contact for specific from to combinations. When proper servers try again after a few minutes it lets it through. Encryption TLS. Secure and trusted cryptography technology. SMTP traffic. Not too be confused with client encryption technology. Gnu. PG and SMIME. They are covered in the. Formerly referenced as SSL. Web. Mail Squirrel. Mail or Roundcube. Easy to set up php based web mail client. Extensive plugin selection. Ajaxified prettier web mail client. Not quite as solid as Squirrel. Mail. Platform Amazon ec. This guide can be installed locally, co located or in the cloud. My preference is ec. I provide ec. 2 based examples. Please see software links appendix for further information. In that section there is more links to. Further software and tweaks are discussed in the. Also review other peoples opinion on these packages via my references. Installation. Distribution. This section is different for every distribution and for every version. This howto is based on Ubuntu and its base of debian which uses apt get. Therefore this section uses apt packages to its fullest. For other installation method please refer to previous editions. My 2nd editionoutdated has instructions. Mandriva, general RPM and tarball compiling. To follow the rest of this howto with another distribution. E. g My. SQL lookup on postfix and sasl, php in apache etc. I have set up mail servers using the 3. E. g. Mac platforms should work too. With installing Ubuntu you have a choice of which base system to install. You may choose server or desktop image or very basic setups. I will assume a server install, but it should not differ. If you have chosen an ec. I strongly suggest choosing the latest LTS version of Ubuntu, not the versions in between. Once this is set up you will tinker very little with it, and it will quickly be annoying to upgrade distributions once a year. Ps. Please note that after a while Ill stop specifying the use of sudo. My advice is to use sudo. For assistance with repositories, refer to this article on ubuntus wiki. I would recommend find a repository archive close to your servers location. For example a country specific one or if hosted on AWS EC2 an archive in your AWS region. Remember these are highly security sensitive so choose one you trust. You need the main and universe repositories. The multiverse, restricted and partner can be added but are not needed. Do not add backports. Uncomment the lines that have commented out universe. E. g. here are mine for ec. Europe. deb http eu west 1. Note the security repository always have to go to the non mirrored server. As mentioned in the previous edition. You need to install a whole bunch of packages. We will install them bit by bit. But first check your package sources are correctly pointing to main multiverse restricted universe. Ubuntu version. sudo vi etcaptsources. Secondly update your current system. Note aptitude is no longer supplied in the base install of Ubuntu. This is due to some concurrency issues. Some part of this document may still refer to aptitude. You should use the original apt get instead. Additional packages. I also install a few other packages that I personally prefer. But nothing todo with the mail server. Mutt is a very usefull command line mail client that I always install. I usually do that at the end when testing so that it doesnt. Postfix before I am ready. Package status. To find out which packages you may have installed. And to find which are available. Configuration. Simple mail server. Now lets configure a simple mail server using some of. Firewall. Shorewall. Not essential for an EC2 image. It is essential for a normal server. UFW is bundled with recent Ubuntu distributions. I still prefer Shorewall for servers. Installationsudo apt get install shorewall shorewall doc. Amazon provides a firewall access control for its servers. And in all others situations a must have. NTFS Wikipedia. NTFSDevelopersMicrosoft. Full name. New Technology File System1Introduced. July 1. 99. 3 with Windows NT 3. Partition identifier. MBREBD0. A0. A2 B9. E5 4. 43. 3 8. 7C0 6. B6. B7. 26. 99. C7 GPTStructures. Directory contents. B tree2File allocation. Bitmap. Bad blocksBad. Clus MFT RecordLimits. Max. volume size. TB 6. 4 KB implementation3Max. Ei. B 1 KB format 1. TB 6. 4 KB Windows 7, Windows Server 2. R2 or earlier implementation3 2. TB 6. 4 KB Windows 8, Windows Server 2. Max. number of files. Max. filename length. UTF 1. 6 code units5Allowed characters in filenames. In Win. 32 namespace any UTF 1. NUL5In POSIX namespace any UTF 1. NULFeatures. Dates recorded. Creation, modification, POSIX change, access. Date range. 1 January 1. May 6. 00. 56 File times are 6. Date resolution. 10. Forks. Yes see Alternate data streams ADS belowAttributes. Read only, hidden, system, archive, not content indexed, off line, temporary, compressed. File system permissions. ACLs. Transparent compression. Per file, LZ7. 7 Windows NT 3. Transparent encryption. Per file,DESX Windows 2. Triple DES Windows XP onward,AES Windows XP Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2. Data deduplication. Yes Windows Server 2. Other. Supported operating systems. Windows NT 3. 1 and later. Mac OS X 1. 0. 3 and later read onlyLinux kernel version 2. Linux kernel versions 2. React. OS read onlyNTFS New Technology File System1 is a proprietaryfile system developed by Microsoft. Starting with Windows NT 3. Windows NT family. NTFS has several technical improvements over the file systems that it superseded File Allocation Table FAT and High Performance File System HPFS such as improved support for metadata and advanced data structures to improve performance, reliability, and disk space use. Additional extensions are a more elaborate security system based on access control lists ACLs and file system journaling. NTFS is supported in other desktop and server operating systems as well. Linux and BSD have a free and open source NTFS driver, called NTFS 3. G, with both read and write functionality. OS comes with read only support for NTFS its disabled by default write support for NTFS is unstable. HistoryeditIn the mid 1. Microsoft and IBM formed a joint project to create the next generation of graphical operating system the result was OS2 and HPFS. Because Microsoft disagreed with IBM on many important issues they eventually separated OS2 remained an IBM project and Microsoft worked to develop Windows NT and NTFS. The HPFS file system for OS2 contained several important new features. When Microsoft created their new operating system, they borrowed many of these concepts for NTFS. NTFS developers include Tom Miller, Gary Kimura, Brian Andrew and David Goebel. Probably as a result of this common ancestry, HPFS and NTFS use the same disk partition identification type code 0. Using the same Partition ID Record Number is highly unusual, since there were dozens of unused code numbers available, and other major file systems have their own codes. For example, FAT has more than nine one each for FAT1. FAT1. 6, FAT3. 2, etc. Algorithms identifying the file system in a partition type 0. HPFS and NTFS. VersionseditMicrosoft has released five versions of NTFS The NTFS. Windows 2. 00. 0 is based on the operating system version it should not be confused with the NTFS version number v. Windows XP. 1. 3Although subsequent versions of Windows added new file system related features, they did not change NTFS itself. For example, Windows Vista implemented NTFS symbolic links, Transactional NTFS, partition shrinking, and self healing. NTFS symbolic links are a new feature in the file system all the others are new operating system features that make use of NTFS features already in place. FeatureseditNTFS v. Encrypting File System EFS. ScalabilityeditNTFS is optimized for 4 KBclusters, but supports a maximum cluster size of 6. KB. 1. 5 The maximum NTFS volume size that the specification can support is 2. The maximum NTFS volume size implemented in Windows XP Professional is 2. For example, using 6. KB clusters, the maximum size Windows XP NTFS volume is 2. TB minus 6. 4 KB. Using the default cluster size of 4 KB, the maximum NTFS volume size is 1. TB minus 4 KB. Both of these are vastly higher than the 1. GB limit in Windows XP SP1. Because partition tables on master boot record MBR disks support only partition sizes up to 2 TB, multiple GUID Partition Table GPT or dynamic volumes must be combined to create a single NTFS volume larger than 2 TB. Booting from a GPT volume to a Windows environment in a Microsoft supported way requires a system with Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI and 6. The NTFS maximum theoretical limit on the size of individual files is 1. Ei. B 1. 6 1. 02. KB, which totals to 1. With Windows 8 and Windows Server 2. TB minus 6. 4 KB or 2. JournalingeditNTFS is a journaling file system and uses the NTFS Log Log. File to record metadata changes to the volume. It is a feature that FAT does not provide and critical for NTFS to ensure that its complex internal data structures will remain consistent in case of system crashes or data moves performed by the defragmentation API, and allow easy rollback of uncommitted changes to these critical data structures when the volume is remounted. Notably affected structures are the volume allocation bitmap, modifications to MFT records such as moves of some variable length attributes stored in MFT records and attribute lists, and indices for directories and security descriptors. The USN Journal Update Sequence Number Journal is a system management feature that records in ExtendUsn. Jrnl changes to files, streams and directories on the volume, as well as their various attributes and security settings. The journal is made available for applications to track changes to the volume. This journal can be enabled or disabled on non system volumes. Hard linkseditThe hard link feature allows different file names to directly refer to the same file contents. Hard links are similar to directory junctions, but refer to files instead. Hard links may link only to files in the same volume, because each volume has its own MFT. Hard links have their own file metadata, so a change in file size or attributes under one hard link may not update the others until they are opened. Hard links were originally included to support the POSIX subsystem in Windows NT. Windows uses hard links to support short 8. NTFS. Operating system support is needed because there are legacy applications that can work only with 8. In this case, an additional filename record and directory entry is added, but both 8. The NTFS file system has a limit of 1. Alternate data streams ADSeditAlternate data streams allow more than one data stream to be associated with a filename a fork, using the format filename streamname e. NTFS Streams were introduced in Windows NT 3. Services for Macintosh SFM to store resource forks. Although current versions of Windows Server no longer include SFM, third party Apple Filing Protocol AFP products such as Group. Logics Extreme. Z IP still use this feature of the file system. Very small ADS named Zone.