Crack Mining

Glossary of Mining Terms. Abutment In coal mining, 1 the weight of the rocks. Acid deposition or acid rain Refers loosely to a. The. precursors or chemical forerunners of acid rain formation result from both natural. Acid mine water Mine water that contains free sulfuric. Active workings Any place in a mine where miners are. Adit A nearly horizontal passage from the surface by. A blind horizontal opening into a mountain, with. Advance Mining in the same direction, or order of. Agglomeration A family of processes which can be used to concentrate valuable minerals including coal based on their adhesive properties. Air split The division of a current of air into two or. Airway Any passage through which air is carried. Also. known as an air course. Anemometer Instrument for measuring air velocity. Final Cut Pro X 10. Crack Full Keygen Final Cut Pro 10. Crack is a series of nonlinear editing video software developed by Macromedia. The user to allow to log. Crack Mining CampFormulates and manufactures performance polymer systems for rebuilding, resurfacing, and protecting fluid flow machinery, equipment and structures. Minecraft CHINESE DRAGONS HIDE AND SEEK Morph Hide And Seek Modded MiniGame Duration 1625. PopularMMOs 2,715,363 views. Angle of dip The angle at which strata or mineral. Angle of draw In coal mine subsidence, this angle is. For. dipping seams, the angle of break increases, being 3. The main break occurs over the seam at an angle from the vertical equal to half the dip. Aye Hero Malayalam Mp3 Songs Free Download. Angle of repose The maximum angle from horizontal at. Anthracite coal Of the four types of coal, anthracite is the hardest and contains the highest heat value. Crack Mining GazetteCrack Mining IndustryCrack Mining EquipmentIt is almost pure carbon and is used mainly for home heating and cooking. In some developing countries, it is also used for industrial purposes. Anticline An upward fold or arch of rock strata. Aquifer A water bearing bed of porous rock, often sandstone. Arching Fracture processes around a mine opening. Area of an airway Average width multiplied by average. Auger A rotary drill that uses a screw device to. Auxiliary operations All activities supportive of but. Auxiliary ventilation Portion of main ventilating. Azimuth A surveying term that references the angle. The bearing is. used to designate direction. The bearing of a line is the acute horizontal angle between. Back The roof or upper part in any underground mining cavity. Backfill Mine waste or rock used to support the roof after coal removal. Barren Said of rock or vein material containing no minerals of value, and of strata without coal, or containing coal in seams too thin to be. Barricading Enclosing part of a mine to prevent inflow. Barrier Something that bars or keeps out. Barrier. pillars are solid blocks of coal left between two mines or sections of a mine to prevent. Beam A bar or straight girder used to support a span of. Beam building The creation of a strong, inflexible beam. In coal mining this is. Bearing A surveying term used to designate. The bearing of a line is the acute horizontal angle between the meridian and. The meridian is an established line of reference. Azimuths are angles measured. Bearing plate A plate used to distribute a given load. In roof bolting, the plate used between the bolt head and the roof. Bed A stratum of coal or other sedimentary deposit. Belt conveyor A looped belt on which coal or other. Belt idler A roller, usually of cylindrical shape, which. Idlers are. not powered but turn by contact with the moving belt. Belt take up A belt pulley, generally under a conveyor. Its. purpose is to automatically compensate for any slack in the belting created by start up. Bench One of to or more divisions of a coal seam. Beneficiation The treatment of mined material, making it. Berm A pile or mound of material capable of restraining. Binder A streak of impurity in a coal seam. Bit The hardened and strengthened device at the end of a. The size of the bit. A bit may be either detachable from or integral with its. Bituminous coal A middle rank coal between. Detention And Removal Operations Policy And Procedure Manual. Usually. has a high Btu value and may be referred to as soft coal. A general term descriptive of coal intermediate in rank between sub bituminous and anthracite and including metallurgical coals. Low and medium volatile bituminous coals are ranked by their carbon content, while high volatile bituminous coals are ranked by their heating value. Black damp A term generally applied to carbon dioxide. Strictly speaking, it is a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. It is also applied to. Blasting agent Any material consisting of a mixture of a. Blasting cap A detonator containing a charge of. Used for. detonating explosives. Blasting circuit Electric circuits used to fire electric. Bleeder or bleeder entries Special air courses developed. Alt Exhaust ventilation lateral. Boiler A tank in which water is heated or steam is generated. Bolt torque The turning force in foot pounds applied to. Borehole Any deep or long drill hole, usually associated. Bottom Floor or underlying surface of an underground. Boss Any member of the managerial ranks who is directly. Box type magazine A small, portable magazine used to. Brattice or brattice cloth Fire resistant fabric or. Also termed line brattice, line canvas, or line. Break line The line that roughly follows the rear edges. The line along which the roof of a coal mine is. Breaker A machine which combines coal crushing and screening. Normally consists of a rotating drum in which coal is broken by gravity impact against the walls of the drum. Breakthrough A passage for ventilation that is cut. Bridge carrier A rubber tire mounted mobile conveyor. Bridge conveyor A short conveyor hung from the boom of. Thus, as. the machine boom moves, the bridge conveyor keeps it in constant connection with the. Brow A low place in the roof of a mine, giving. Brushing Digging up the bottom or taking down the top to. Btu British thermal unit. A measure of the energy. Fahrenheit. Bug dust The fine particles of coal or other material. Bump or burst A violent dislocation of the mine. Butt cleat A short, poorly defined vertical cleavage. Butt entry A coal mining term that has different. It can be synonymous with panel entry, submain entry, or. Cage In a mine shaft, the device, similar to an elevator. Calorific value The quantity of heat that can be. BTUs. Cannel coal A massive, non caking block coal with a. Canopy A protective covering of a cab on a mining. Cap A miners safety helmet. Also, a highly sensitive. Cap block A flat piece of wood inserted between the top. Car A railway wagon, especially any of the wagons. Car dump The mechanism for unloading a loaded car. Carbide bit More correctly, cemented tungsten carbide. A. cutting or drilling bit for rock or coal, made by fusing an insert of molded tungsten. Carbon Dioxide A colorless, odorless, non toxic radiative gas that is essential to plant and animal life. It is also emitted as a result of burning organic materials, including fossil fuels. Cast A directed throw in strip mining, the overburden. Certified Describes a person who has passed an. Chain conveyor A conveyor on which the material is moved. Chain pillar The pillar of coal left to protect the. Charcoal The residue, primarily carbon, from the partial combustion of wood or other organic matter. Check curtain Sheet of brattice cloth hung across an. Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs Human produced chemical compounds containing chlorine, fluorine and carbon which are thought to be responsible for ozone layer depletion. CFCs also act as a radiative gas. Chock Large hydraulic jacks used to support roof in. Clay vein A body of clay like material that fills a void. Cleat The vertical cleavage of coal seams. The main set. of joints along which coal breaks when mined. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1.