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Demographics of India Wikipedia. Demographics of India. Map showing the population density of each district in India. Population. 1,3. 24,1. Density. 38. 2 people per. Growth rate 1. 1. The database recognizes 1,746,000 software titles and delivers updates for your software including minor upgrades. Real Estate Complaints Vijay Shankar. Posted On 20171203 193126 I had entered an agreement with Vastu Vihar Technoculture Builders Pvt Ltd, Grand Chandra. Entonces apareci el zorro. Buenos das dijo el zorro. Buenos das respondi cortsmente el principito, que se dio vuelta, pero no vio nada. Birth rate. 19. 3 births1,0. Death rate. 7. 3 deaths1,0. Life expectancy. 68. Bengal Bn 60 Software Store' title='Bengal Bn 60 Software Store' />Fertility rate. Infant mortality rate. Age structure. 01. Sex ratio. At birth. Under 1. 51. 1. 0 malesfemale 2. Employment News 2017 Find Employment News of this week of December 2017. Jagran Josh offers SSC, Banking, UPSC, UGC NET and other Employment News Notifications. Read CNNNews18 breaking news, latest news from India and World including current news headlines on politics, cricket, business, entertainment and more only on News18. Nationality. Major ethnic. See Ethnic Groups of India. Language. Official. See Languages of India. India is the second most populated country in the world with nearly a fifth of the worlds population. According to the 2. World Population Prospects1, the population stood at 1,3. During 1. 97. 52. The Indian population reached the billion mark in 1. India is projected to be the worlds most populous country by 2. China. It is expected to become the first political entity in history to be home to more than 1. Its population growth rate is 1. India has more than 5. It is expected that, in 2. Indian will be 2. China and 4. 8 for Japan and, by 2. Indias dependency ratio should be just over 0. India has more than two thousand ethnic groups,9 and every major religion is represented, as are four major families of languages Indo European, Dravidian, Austroasiatic and Sino Tibetan languages as well as two language isolates the Nihali language1. Maharashtra and the Burushaski language spoken in parts of Jammu and Kashmir Kashmir. Further complexity is lent by the great variation that occurs across this population on social parameters such as income and education. Only the continent of Africa exceeds the linguistic, genetic and cultural diversity of the nation of India. The sex ratio is 9. HistoryeditPrehistory to early 1. The following table lists estimates for the population of India including what are now Pakistan and Bangladesh from prehistory up until 1. It includes estimates and growth rates according to five different economic historians, along with interpolated estimates and overall aggregateaverages derived from their estimates. Year. Maddison 2. Clark 1. 96. 71. Biraben 1. Durand 1. 97. 41. Mc. Evedy 1. 97. Aggregateaverage. Period. Average growth century. Population growth century. Population  growth century. Population  growth century. Population  growth century. Population  growth century. Population  growth century. BC1. 00,0. Stone Age. BC1,0. 00,0. BC6,0. Bronze Age. 9. 4. BC2. 5,0. Iron Age. BC3. 0,0. 00,0. BC5. Maurya era. 22. 5. AD7. 5,0. 00,0. 007. Classicalera. 5. 3. Earlymedievalera. Latemedievalera. 8. Mughal era. 31. 9. Colonialera. 12. 2. The population grew from the South Asian Stone Age in 1. BC to the Maurya Empire in 2. BC at a steadily increasing growth rate,2. AD, and then became largely stagnant during the early medieval era era up to 1. AD. 1. 31. 5 The population growth rate then increased in the late medieval era during the Delhi Sultanate from 1. Indias population growth rate under the Mughal Empire 1. Indian history. 2. Under the Mughal Empire, India experienced an unprecedented economic and demographic upsurge,2. Mughal agrarian reforms that intensified agricultural production,2. India as the most important center of manufacturing in international trade,2. British India2. 6 and contemporary Europe2. Under the reign of Akbar the Great reigned 1. Mughal Empires urban population was up to 1. Europe. 2. 8 By 1. Mughal India had an urban population of 2. British Indias urban population of 2. Nizamuddin Ahmad 1. Akbars reign, Mughal India had 1. A number of cities in India had a population between a quarter million and half million people,2. Agra in Agra Subah with up to 8. Dhaka in Bengal Subah with over 1 million people. Mughal India also had a large number of villages, with 4. Aurangzeb reigned 1. Late 1. 9th century to early 2. The population of India under the British Raj including what are now Pakistan and Bangladesh according to censuses Census year. Population. Growth 1. Studies of Indias population since 1. Delhi, Greater Mumbai Bombay, and Kolkata Calcutta. Mortality rates fell in the period 1. Ryan Adams Pink Heart Sessions Rar. Other factors included rising incomes, better living conditions, improved nutrition, a safer and cleaner environment, and better official health policies and medical care. Salient featureseditInfant mortality rate trends in India. India occupies 2. At the 2. 00. 1 census 7. Indias population exceeded that of the entire continent of Africa by 2. However, because Africas population growth is nearly double that of India, it is expected to surpass both China and India by 2. Comparative demographicseditList of states and union territories by demographicseditPopulation growth of India per decade4. Census Year. Population. Change 1. 95. 13. Population distribution by statesunion territories 2. Rank. StateUTPopulation4. Percent Male. Female. Sex Ratio. Rural4. Urban4. 9Area5. Density per km. Uttar Pradesh. 19. Maharashtra. 11. 2,3. Bihar. 10. 4,0. 99,4. West Bengal. 91,2. Madhya Pradesh. 72,6. Tamil Nadu. 72,1. Rajasthan. 68,5. 48,4. Karnataka. 61,0. 95,2. Gujarat. 60,4. 39,6. Andhra Pradesh. 49,3. Odisha. 41,9. 74,2. Telangana. 35,1. 93,9. Kerala. 33,4. 06,0. Jharkhand. 32,9. 88,1. Assam. 31,2. 05,5. Punjab. 27,7. 43,3. Chhattisgarh. 25,5. Haryana. 25,3. 51,4. Delhi UT1. 6,7. Jammu and Kashmir. Uttarakhand. 10,0. Himachal Pradesh. Tripura. 3,6. 73,9. Meghalaya. 2,9. 66,8. Manipur. 2,8. 55,7. Nagaland. 1,9. 78,5. Goa. 1,4. 58,5. 45. Arunachal Pradesh. Puducherry UT1,2. Mizoram. 1,0. 97,2. Chandigarh UT1,0. Sikkim. 61. 0,5. 77. Andaman and Nicobar Islands UT3. Dadra and Nagar Haveli UT3. Daman and Diu UT2. Lakshadweep UT6. Total India1,2. Religious demographicseditThe table below summarises Indias demographics excluding the Mao Maram, Paomata and Purul subdivisions of Senapati District of Manipur state due to cancellation of census results according to religion at the 2. The data is unadjusted without excluding Assam and Jammu and Kashmir the 1. Assam and the 1. 99. Jammu and Kashmir. Religions of India Census 2. Religion. Population. Percent All. 1,2. Hindus. 96. 6,3. 78,8. Muslims. 17. 2,2. Christians. 27,8. Sikhs. 20,8. 33,1. Buddhists. 8,4. 42,9. Jains. 4,4. 51,7. Others. 7,9. 37,7. Not stated. 2,8. 67,3. Religiousgroup. Population 2. Growth2. 00. 1 2. Sex ratio 2. 01. Sex ratio 2. Sex ratio 2. 01. Sex ratio 2. Literacy 2. 01. 15. Work participation 2. Hinduism. 79. 8. 01. Islam. 14. 2. 32. Christianity. 2. 3. Sikhism. 1. 7. 28. Buddhism. 0. 7. 06. Jainism. 0. 3. 75. OthersReligion not specified. Population composition trend by religion 1. Religion. 19. 51 1. Hinduism. 84. 1. 08. Islam. 9. 8. 01. 0. Christianity. 2. 3. Sikhism. 1. 7. 91. Buddhism. 0. 7. 40. Jainism. 0. 4. 60. Zoroastrianism. 0. NAOthers. 0. 4. 30. Neonatal and infant demographicsedit. Male to female sex ratio for India, based on its official census data, from 1. The data suggests the existence of high sex ratios before and after the arrival of ultrasound based prenatal care and sex screening technologies in India. The table below represents the infant mortality rate trends in India, based on sex, over the last 1. In the urban areas of India, average male infant mortality rates are slightly higher than average female infant mortality rates. Infant mortality rate trend deaths per 1. Year. Male. Female. Some activists believe Indias 2. These claims are controversial.